To ensure your planned work will be accepted, please read over the following guidance note before continuing with your request:

Landscaping, Patios & Decking

  1. Before any work can proceed, you are responsible for providing us with detailed drawings and/or plans of any proposed landscaping, patio or decking work.

  2. Any decking should not be built to a height that reduces the privacy of neighbouring properties. The proposed levels should be indicated on the detailed plans/drawings.

  3. Before permission is granted, VHS reserves the right to contact neighbouring properties to ensure there are no objections. VHS will not be responsible for the cost of re-instating any work started before written permission is given.

  4. You will need to ensure that the alteration does not cause any nuisance or inconvenience to adjoining properties or those within the eye-line of the work carried out. You may be required to rectify the potential nuisance/disruption immediately or at the end of your tenancy. VHS will look to rectify any nuisance caused with those responsible liable for the costs involved.

  5. Access to maintenance holes and rodding eyes must be retained for future maintenance purposes.

  6. Once the work is completed, you must notify VHS to allow us to inspect it. You will be responsible for all maintenance of the improvement identified, which should be kept in good condition.

  7. At the tenancy end, depending on the landscaping, patio or decking condition, you may be required to restore the ground to its former condition. VHS will make this decision at that time.

  8. If any remedial action is required, you will be held responsible for all costs incurred.


  1. For safety reasons, in no circumstances will approval be given for an ornamental pool or fishpond.

Agree & Continue

Ros Kilduff Uniform 6

My advice to anyone finding themself in a similar position is not to be afraid to ask for help.  My life has definitely changed for the better since meeting Veterans Housing Scotland.

Ros Kilduff – Veteran, Royal Army Medical Corps