25 March 2024

New President for Veterans Housing Scotland
Veterans Housing Scotland has announced the appointment of Alexander Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, the 16th Duke of Hamilton and 13th Duke of Brandon as the Charity’s new President.
Titled the Marquess of Douglas and Clydesdale from birth until 2010 when his father, Angus, the 15th Duke of Hamilton died, he inherited the Dukedom. He is currently styled His Grace The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon and he is the Hereditary Keeper of the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
His Grace said: ‘I am delighted to take on the role of President of Veterans Housing Scotland. I am well aware of the wonderful work the Charity does and everything it has achieved in its 109 year history. I am taking over the Presidency from Lord Selkirk of Douglas, my late uncle, who did an outstanding job and was in the position for over a decade. I intend to support the Charity in any way I can.’
Bob Kemp, Chairman of Veterans Housing Scotland, said ‘The Charity is particularly honoured to welcome The Duke of Hamilton as its President. His Grace comes from a family with considerable military connection and this will be relevant as he takes up his new position. I know he will take particular interest in the workings of VHS and provide valuable advice and wisdom going forward.’
Since its inception in 1915, Veterans Housing Scotland has a long and proud history helping over 4,500 veterans. The charity is the leading provider of homes for disabled veterans and their families in Scotland.